Darling Harbour

1 Dixon Street

1 Dixon Street, Darling Harbour

Parking Rates

0 - 0.5 Hours


0.5 - 1 Hour


1 - 1.5 Hours


1.5 - 2 Hours


2 - 2.5 Hours


2.5 - 3 Hours


3 + Hours - Daily Maximum


Evening/Night Parking (Monday to Thursday) Entry after 3 pm, exit before 5am the following day


Evening/Night Parking (Friday)

0 - 0.5 Hours


0.5 - 1 Hour


1 + Hours


Earlybird (Monday - Friday) Entry between 5.00 am and 10.00am, Exit between 2.00 pm and 8.00)pm


Saturday (Entry after 6am and exit before 6am the following day)


Sunday (Entry after 6am and exit before 6am the following day)


Public Holiday (Entry after 6am and exit before 6am the following day)


Lost Ticket



Close to:

  • Chinatown
  • Paddy’s Market
  • QVB
  • Town Hall
  • ICC and
  • Darling Harbour
  • Cinemas

Height Restriction: 1.95m

Permanent Parking: Available [email protected]

Payment Methods: NO CASH – Credit card only

Car park Entry: Entry via Harbour Street

Pre-booking unavailable at this car park



Operating Hours
Operating Hours24 hours / 7 Days

Touch free - License Plate Recognition in use - Credit card payment only

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